About 17Edu
17Edu provides comprehensive educational services in North America. Over the past couple of years, 17Edu has partnered with top universities and collaborate with many fortune 500 companies to provide numerous quality programs and opportunities for students from both China and Canada. The platform brings together educational elites from all over the world to provide more than 2000 high-quality public welfare courses for young people during the pandemic, which are well received by the governments and communities at all three levels.
17-Study Club falls under the 17 Education Association. It contains the critical thinking and discussion-based learning style of North America which is expressed through interactive classes and community activities for children. Their focus is to help young children become more competent and involved members of the community. This is achieved through communication by placing emphasis on leadership, problem solving, teamwork and creativity. 17-Study Club also provides a platform for professionals in the education industry to engage in English Story Reading, Montessori Mathematics, as well as teamwork programs and activities for younger students.
Timeline: Milestones and Achievements
17Edu founded in August 2018 by Juntian (David) Wang (who became its first president) and Cyber Nie of the time to provide complementary presentations and courses to GTA youth students.
Creative Management and Innovation Association (CMI), formed by Juntian (Daivd) Wang and Stephen Wang, a famous broadcaster, has been invited by Shandong Provincial Tourism Development Commission to be the official organizer of a large-scale tourism and cultural event "Seek-Your-Roots Journey" Global Roadshow Canada. CMI invited more than 100 local Canadian travel agencies to participate in the opening ceremony and organized over 100 Chinese children from Toronto GTA to participate in the follow-up program of "Ties of Chinese Families and Roots-Seeking Tour".
由Juntian(Daivd)Wang与著名播音员Stephen Wang组建CMI创翊文化(Creative Management and Innovation Association),接受山东省旅发委邀请,为大型旅游文化活动“寻根之旅”全球路演加拿大站担任指定承办单位。CMI邀约100余家加拿大本地旅行社参与开幕式,并在后续“亲情中华,寻根之旅”项目推进中,组织100余名多伦多GTA地区加拿大华人儿童参加。
Invited 19 top-tier Chinese hosts and broadcasters and organized a series of public service courses “Best Chinese Voice 洋洋盈耳” on broadcasting and hosting, CMI became the first online public service course provider in Toronto, with 200 registered members.
邀约中国19位一线主持人及播音员组织“洋洋盈耳”播音主持公益系列课程,CMI成为开创多伦多地区首家规模性线上公益课程的机构,注册会员达到200 人次
Organized an Educational Workshop Program (EWP) for over 100 children at Google's headquarters in Waterloo, Canada.
Well recognized by the community, the "Best Chinese Voice 洋洋盈耳" public service courses were held for 6 consecutive months with 500 members registered.
After the announcement of the epidemic lockdown in Toronto, we organized and implemented a full-time online spring camp within three days, becoming the leading online training organization in Toronto area. The 16-day, 8-hour-a-day full-time spring camp includes Chinese storytelling, online taekwondo, Arts, Public Speaking, Reading A-Z, science, singing, drama, and other courses. More than 80 members have registered for the program.
多伦多因疫情封城的消息出台后,三天内组织并落实“全日制线上春令营”, 成为多伦多地区规模性线上培训领军机构。连续16天,每天8小时的全日制春令营包括中文故事、线上跆拳道、Arts(剪纸)、Public Speaking, Reading A-Z, 科学、唱歌、戏剧等课程。报名学员80余人。
More than 20 universities including Queen's University, University of Alberta, University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, York University and 10 colleges including Centennial College, Sheridan College, Conestoga College as well as many Canadian international education experts were invited. In a period of 5 months, we organized more than 50 online seminars, with a total audience of over 6,000 by the end of December 2020. The online seminars are running every Friday night at 8:30 in Toronto local time.
Invited Disney contract author Lee Edward Fodi to conduct a two-month story writing tutorial, and helped participants to print their own books after the tutorial.
邀请迪士尼签约作家Lee Edward Fodi进行为期两个月的故事写作指导,并在辅导后帮助学员进行自己的图书印刷
CMI and BinderEDU officially merged; Kevin Miao joined with the faculty team as Vice President of 17EDU and President of the Sub-Association in China, when CMI officially changed its name to 17 Education Association, and established the 17 Study Club where Ryan Dodich became the director of the Club Reading. At the same time, the Story Club was launched with the themes of Dog Man and Amulet.
CMI与BinderEDU正式合并,Kevin Miao携教师团队正式加入,担任17EDU副会长及中国区分会会长,创翊文化正式改名一启教育, 并且建立俱乐部一启学堂, Ryan Dodich担任Club Reading总监, 以Dog Man与Amulet两部故事为主题的故事会(Story Club)正式启动。
Reader Curtis Struthers joined the club, adding Captain Underpants to the storytelling column.
Curtis Struthers加盟,为故事会增添Captain Underpants故事赏析栏目
The Harry Potter storytelling column organized by Nicholas was launched.
由 Nicholas 组织的哈利波特故事解析栏目正式启动。
York University Soft Skill Training and Community Practice Program (EMIA), jointly organized with ABMP, York University and 17 EDU, was successfully implemented by Dr. Keri Ewart of York University and Prof. Haniyeh Yousofpour of Degroote School of Business.
与约克大学亚洲商务管理中心联合举办的约克大学软实力培训项目 (EMIA) 成功施行,由约克大学Keri Ewart博士及德古特商学院Haniyeh Yousofpour教授联合职教。
Haniyeh Yousofpour
Professor, Degroote School of Business, McMaster
University Application and Bridging Program organized with ABMP, York University and 17 EDU, was successfully implemented by Prof. Sanjay Dhebar of Schulich School of Business.
一启教育联合ABMP举办的大学申请及桥梁项目成功举办,由舒立克商学院Sanjay Dhebar教授职教。
The Shopify Corporate Enterprise Program (AEWE), co-organized by ABMP, York University and 17EDU, and Shopify as invited, was successfully completed with Shopify Growth Workshop Team Leader Amir Jaffer working as the corporate mentor.
一启教育联合约克大学亚洲商务管理中心邀请加拿大本土明星电商企业Shopify,共同举办的 Shopify Corporate Enterprise Program (AEWE) 项目成功施行,由Shopify高管Amir Jaffer担任企业导师。
Samsung Corporate Enterprise Program (AEWE), co-organized by ABMP, York University and 17EDU, and Samsung as invited, was successfully completed with Samsung Senior Manager Angelo R. DeLuca working as the corporate mentor.
一启教育联合约克大学亚洲商务管理中心邀请世界500强企业三星电子,共同举办的Samsung Corporate Enterprise Program (AEWE) 项目成功施行,由三星电子高管Angelo R. DeLuca担任企业导师。
Sanjay Dhebar
Professor, Schulich School of Business, York University
CIBC Corporate Enterprise Program (AEWE), co-organized by ABMP, York University and 17EDU, and CIBC as invited, was successfully completed with Elisabeth Laratta, Director of Government Relations at CIBC, working as the corporate mentor.
一启教育联合约克大学亚洲商务管理中心邀请加拿大帝国商业银行CIBC,共同举办的CIBC Corporate Enterprise Program (AEWE) 项目成功施行,由CIBC政府公关部长Elisabeth Laratta担任企业导师。
Accenture Corporate Enterprise Program (AEWE), co-organized by ABMP, York University and 17EDU, and Accenture as invited, was successfully completed with Brandon Bell, Accenture Senior Retail Manager, working as the corporate mentor.
一启教育联合约克大学亚洲商务管理中心邀请四大会计事务所埃森哲,共同举办的Accenture Corporate Enterprise Program (AEWE) 项目成功施行,由埃森哲高级管理Brandon Bell担任企业导师。
IBM Corporate Enterprise Program (AEWE), jointly organized by 17EDU, ABMP and York University, and IBM as invited, was successfully completed with Lisa Maria Chen, IBM head of design, acting as the corporate mentor.
一启教育联合约克大学亚洲商务管理中心邀请世界500企业IBM,共同举办的IBM Corporate Enterprise Program (AEWE) 项目成功施行,由IBM设计总监Lisa Maria Chen担任企业导师。
“The Diary of Wimpy Kids”, a reading analysis program organized by Ryan Dodich, started. 160 members enrolled.
由Ryan Dodich组织的以“小屁孩日记”为主题的阅读分析栏目正式开始,报名会员160名。
17 Study Club Hangzhou English Reading Sub-Association was officially launched, with more than 500 registered members, and the picture book podcast program was officially started.
17 Study Club杭州英文读书分会正式举办,注册会员500余名,绘本播讲项目正式开启。
The Mentorship Work Placement Program in collaboration with RBC and ABMP, jointly launched by 17EDU, was successfully completed with Yohan Mahimwala, a Senior Manager of RBC Investment Department, working as the corporate mentor.
由一启教育组织的约克大学亚洲商务管理中心与加拿大皇家银行RBC联合推出的RBC线上实践项目成功举办,RBC投资部高管Yohan Mahimwala代表RBC担任企业导师。
EMIA program student Cindy Zhou joined 17 Study Club who applied for the high school volunteer department, and took the position of Student Volunteer Lead.
EMIA项目学员Cindy Zhou加入17 Study Club并申请组建高中志愿者部,并担任义工部长一职。
Former Queen's University English instructor Margaret R Dillon joined as Academic Lead; Reader David Meloche and Ryan Dodich jointly developed and established the UPC training program which provided free coaching to members and volunteers. The "Next Step Prep" program is based on Canadian university scenarios and is conducted in a role-play format, with two native English teachers working with one student to train and improve oral expression.
前女王大学资深英语教师Margaret R Dillon加盟并担任学术总监,由David Meloche与Ryan Dodich共同开发并成立UPC培训课程并免费对会员及志愿者提供课程辅导,课程以加拿大大学场景为背景,以角色扮演的形式,以两名英文母语教师对一名学员进行口语表达训练及提升。
Through the initiative of EMIA students Christina, Jessica, Grace and Cindy, 17 Study Club Volunteer Team was officially established with the participation of volunteers Kathy, Tim, Pheobe, Tracy, Jessica, Jackson and Celia. An interactive storytelling course developed and taught entirely by high school volunteers was also rolled out at the same time.
经EMIA学员Christina,Jessica,Grace及CIndy发起,一启学堂义工部正式成立,志愿者Kathy, Tim, Pheobe, Tracy,Jessica,Jackson,Celia 先后加入,同期推出完全由高中志愿者研发并教授的互动故事续写课程。
17 Study Club's first club competition “Picture Perfect Story” and “After Story Discussion” session was officially kicked off.
一启学堂首届俱乐部比赛“Picture Perfect Story故事续写”及“故事讨论”正式开启。
The Mentorship Work Placement Program in collaboration with PwC and ABMP, jointly launched by 17EDU, was successfully complete with PwC Senior Associate Sasan Zadeh, Peter Bowman and Yasmin Zaidi as the corporate mentors.
由一启教育举办的约克大学亚洲商务管理中心与普华永道会计事务所共同推出的四大会计事务所普华永道数据分析线上实训项目成功举办, 普华永道高级审计员Sasan Zadeh,Peter Bowman与Yasmin Zaidi共同担任企业导师。
Ennie Skurczak joined 17 Study Club as a Reader, when “Big Nate Themed Storytelling and Analysis” session was officially started.
Ennie Skurczak 加盟并担任Reader,Big Nate主题故事会正式开启。
Michael Hatswell joined 17 Study Club as a reader, when “25 Reading” session was officially started.
Michael Hatswell 加盟并担任Reader,25读书会正式开启。
Avneet Garcha Joined 17 Study Club as a reader, and take over “Magic Tree House” reading session from Ennie.
Avneet Garcha加入一启学堂,继续阅读“神奇树屋”阅读分析故事会。
The Enterprise Mentorship Program in collaboration with IBM and ABMP, jointly launched by 17EDU, was successfully complete with IBM Principal Product Manager Kasun Attanapola as the corporate mentors.
由一启教育的约克大学亚洲商务管理中心与IBM共同推出的商业智能与人工智能线上实训项目成功举办, IBM商业智能部门主管Kasun Attanapola担任企业导师。
The Enterprise Mentorship Program in collaboration with Samsung and ABMP, jointly launched by 17EDU, was successfully completed with Christopher LuxtonFile, an Operations Manager at Samsung Canada, working as the corporate mentor.
由一启教育组织承办的约克大学亚洲商务管理中心与加拿大三星电子联合推出的三星电子线上实践项目成功举办,三星电子运营经理Christopher LuxtonFile代表担任企业导师。
Program Screenshop and Mental Bio
elcass content
The Enterprise Mentorship High School Program in collaboration with IBM and York University, jointly launched by 17EDU, was successfully completed with Shamiet Chadha, Technical Solution Manager at IBM, working as the corporate mentor.
由一启教育与约克大学亚洲商务管理中心联合举办的高中生IBM暑期实践项目成功举办,IBM技术方案经理Shamiet Chadha代表IBM担任企业导师。
York Region Mental Health Unit
Mental Bio Eclass
Program Screeshot
The Health Sciences and Psychology Training Program in collaboration with York Region Mental Health Division, The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and ABMP, jointly launched by 17EDU and its co-organizer Psykick Inc, was successfully completed with Valerie D’ PaivaFile, a Co-Chief of Logistics HR of York Region Health Unit and Dr. Niki Fitzgerald, a clinical psychologist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, working together as the corporate mentors.
由一启教育组织与其联盟机构Psykick Inc共同推广的约克大学亚洲商务管理中心与加拿大约克郡健康局以及多伦多成瘾与健康中心CAMH共同推出线上健康科学与心理健康实训项目成功举办,约克郡健康局人力资源联合主管Valerie D’ PaivaFile与多伦多成瘾与健康中心Niki Fitzgerald医生共同代表所在企业担任项目导师。
Child Education Workshops program, jointly organized with Newborough Teacher Training Institute and 17 EDU, was successfully implemented by Sybil Taylor and Mahesika Tennakoon.
Mental Health Professional Experience Program in collaboration with York Region Mental Health Division, The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and ABMP, jointly launched by 17EDU and its co-organizer Aestus Future Inc, was successfully completed with Valerie D’ PaivaFile, a Co-Chief of Logistics HR of York Region Health Unit as the corporate mentors.
由一启教育组织与其联盟机构Aestus Future共同推广的约克大学亚洲商务管理中心与加拿大约克郡健康局共同推出线上心理健康专业体验培训项目成功举办,约克郡健康局人力资源联合主管Valerie D’ PaivaFile代表所在企业担任项目导师。
Mental Health Professional Experience Program in collaboration with York Region Mental Health Division, The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and ABMP, jointly launched by 17EDU and its co-organizer Aestus Future Inc, again was successfully completed with Valerie D’ PaivaFile, a Co-Chief of Logistics HR of York Region Health Unit as the corporate mentors.
第二期线上心理健康专业体验培训项目成功举办,约克郡健康局人力资源联合主管Valerie D’ PaivaFile再一次代表所在企业担任项目导师。
“Pokémon Adventure”, a story telling class organized by Michael Hatswell started. more than 50 members enrolled. when “Points Game” event was officially started.